Journal of Agricultural Science and Engineering
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Journal of Agricultural Science and Engineering, Vol.1, No.2, Jun. 2015, Pub. Date: May 28, 2015
Effect of Conservation Agriculture on Sorghum Yield in Rainfed Areas Southern Gedarif State, Sudan
Pages: 89-94 Views: 4835 Downloads: 2492
[01] Lotfie A. Yousif, Agricultural Engineering Research Programme, Agricultural Research Corporation (ARC), Gedarif, Sudan.
[02] Ebtehag H. Babiker, Agricultural Economic and Policy Research Center, Agricultural Research Corporation (ARC), Gedarif, Sudan.
Rainfed agriculture in Gedarif state, Eastern Sudan is the main area for producing sorghum, the staple food crop. The conventional farming (CF) system for sorghum is achieved by the use of Wide Level Disk (WLD) for seedbed preparation and seeding plus use of low inputs. The result is low yield compared to the potential. Conservation agriculture (CA) was tested elsewhere and proves its efficiency. It could be accomplished by seeding crops directly in previous crop residues via special planter concurrently with applying fertilizers and herbicides. Sustainable improvement of sorghum yield is necessary to secure food for the growing population this could be attained through implementing a new adaptive cropping system. The objectives of this study were to assess the performance of sorghum under CF and CA in rainfed areas in addition to perform economic analyses. The CA was conducted during two seasons (2012 and 2013) in farmer's fields Southern Gedarif State and compared with the adjacent CF fields. The soil is heavy cracking clay soil. Effective rainfall occurs during July to September. Data on machines performance, soil moisture content, and sorghum yield were collected from each system. Partial budget and sensitivity analyses were executed. The results indicated that CA saved 26% and 25% of time and fuel, respectively. CA significantly out yielded CF by four folds. Economic and sensitivity analysis showed the profitability of CA over CF. Higher and economic sorghum yield could be obtained by using CA. Effects of CA on environment and soil need more experimentation.
Dry Land Farming, Conservation Agriculture, Sustainable Sorghum Production, Gedarif, Sudan
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