International Journal of Materials Chemistry and Physics
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International Journal of Materials Chemistry and Physics, Vol.2, No.2, Apr. 2016, Pub. Date: Feb. 16, 2016
Demonstration of Human Hair Follicle Biomagnetic Penetration Through Glass Barriers
Pages: 71-74 Views: 3159 Downloads: 1708
[01] Abraham A. Embi, Cardiology Department, Mount Sinai Hospital University of Miami, Florida, USA.
[02] Benjamin J. Scherlag, Heart Rhythm Institute, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA.
In previous studies of the inherent biomagnetic properties of human hair we used nano-sized iron particles for imaging electromagnetic fields (EMFs) and electromagnetic radiations, i.e., light rays emanating horizontally from the hair follicles. In the present report we tracked the follicle’s biomagnetic range by its effect on crystal formation at a distance from the follicle and separated by a glass barrier. Ex vivo human hairs were “sandwiched” (SDW) between glass slides A second glass slide was placed over the SDW. Drops of a Prussian Blue Stain made with aliquots of a 2.5% solution of K4Fe3CN6, 2.5% solution HCl and nano-sized (2000 mean diameter) iron particles (PBS Fe3) was applied onto the second slide over the SDW enclosed follicle. This solution was allowed to evaporate and the results recorded by video microscopy. During evaporation small crystals formed at the evaporation line until reaching the vicinity of the follicle. At this time large spike-like crystal formed as the evaporation line and these crystal reached the follicle that was 1 mm under the glass barrier. A comparison was made with a single slide preparation (SSP) of the same follicle treated similarly without the glass slide barrier. Control experiments consisted of substituting a magnet for the follicle. These findings suggest that the EMF from the follicle extends vertically at least 1 mm through a glass barrier and initiates a specific form of crystallization distinctively different than seen without the presence of the follicle or with the follicle in an SSP.
Biomagnetism, Vertical EMFs, Human Hair, Crystallization, Iron Particles
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