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International Journal of Materials Chemistry and Physics, Vol.2, No.2, Apr. 2016, Pub. Date: Feb. 17, 2016
Optimum Experimental Conditions of CO2 Cogasification of Coal-Torrefied-Miscanthus in a TGA-FTIR
Pages: 75-83 Views: 2683 Downloads: 1661
Bimal Acharya, School of Engineering, University of Guelph, Guelph, Canada.
Animesh Dutta, School of Engineering, University of Guelph, Guelph, Canada.
Gasification is a thermochemical conversion method that transforms carboneous constituents into synghesis gas (syngas:CO, H2, CO2) at high temperatures, generally at more than 700°C, in a control amount of oxygen, carbon dioxide, steam environment so that there will be no combustion. Syngas is a good fuel for producing ethanol or diesel. Gasification in a CO2 environment is an interest of this research. This study finds the optimum experimental condition parameters for the carbon dioxide (CO2) cogasification of Ontario coal and torrefied biomass blends for the equal ratio of each sample using TGA-FTIR. The operating conditions for the heating rate, CO2 flow rate, maximum gasification target temperature, Nitrogen and CO2 flow combinations are observed with the 10mg of coal-biomass mixture. From the experiment, the optimum CO2 flow rate is found at 50 ml/min; the optimum heating rate observed is at 10C/min; the optimum condition to run N2 is up to 800C followed by CO2 up to the final gasification temperature. For the full gasification, maximum temperature needs to be from 1250-1300°C.
CO2 Gasification, TGA-FTIR, Dry & Wet Torrefaction, Miscanthus
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