International Journal of Environmental Planning and Management
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International Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, Vol.1, No.3, Aug. 2015, Pub. Date: Aug. 6, 2015
Creation of Tourist Routes and Guidelines of Action in the Communities Subject to Resettlement, Hydroelectric the Diquis Project, as a Proposal of Implementation, Southern, Costa Rica
Pages: 105-120 Views: 4418 Downloads: 1179
[01] Juan Fernando Mendoza Ledezma, Vice Presidency of research and internationalization, University Corporation of Meta, Villavicencio, Colombia.
The Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad (ICE) implements the project hydroelectric El Diquís (PHED) which will take place between the cantons of Buenos Aires, Osa, and Pérez Zeledón, located in the southern zone of Costa Rica, with the objective of ensuring availability of electrical energy, renewable and clean to meet electricity demand in the country. The elaboration of the guidelines of action focused on defining the area's present and potential attractions tourist level as a development alternative to resettlement. The objective of the guidelines was to prioritize tourist scenarios and use of resources according to previously identified human capabilities that allowed for a temporary projection step on how could be the development of the activities. Finally, they arose in the socialization of findings and a panel of experts where the objective was to evaluate it and enrich it. Thus, once completed the diagnosis, and considering the integration of several appreciations for a major approach to the understanding of reality and possible access to different dimensions of the same, allowed address and finally define the potential adoption of tourism based on the identified scenarios of the communities under study subject to the process of resettlement.
Tourism, Tourist Scenes, Communities, Guidelines, Hydroelectric Project
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