International Journal of Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering
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International Journal of Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering, Vol.1, No.3, Nov. 2015, Pub. Date: Jan. 9, 2016
Overall Notable Health Challenges About the Toxicity of Pesticides Concerning to End Users
Pages: 323-330 Views: 2645 Downloads: 1170
[01] Muhammad Sarwar, Nuclear Institute for Food & Agriculture (NIFA), Tarnab, Peshawar, Pakistan.
[02] Muhammad Salman, Nuclear Institute for Food & Agriculture (NIFA), Tarnab, Peshawar, Pakistan.
Pesticides are one of the five worst threats to human's health, whereas, the other four are lead, air pollution, environmental tobacco smoke and drinking-water contamination. Particularly, insecticides are intended to control insect pests, but these may also be toxic or poisonous to humans including desirable plants and animals. Some insecticides are so highly toxic that in very small quantities these may kill a person and nearly any insecticide can make to peoples punishing if these are exposed to a sufficient amount. For the reason that even fairly safe insecticides can irritate the skin, eyes, nose, or mouth, it is a good idea to understand how pesticides can be toxic and to follow practices to eliminate exposure to them. This manuscript, therefore, describes how pesticides work on living organisms and guides to learn in what way to lessen or abolish human exposure. Toxicity refers to an ability of a substance to produce adverse effect, and insecticides work by altering normal body functions and adverse effects may range from slight symptoms such as headaches to severe symptoms like coma, convulsions, or death. Insecticides can enter the body orally (through mouth and digestive system), dermally (through skin) or by inhalation (through nose and respiratory system). Some poisons cause irreversible (permanent) damage, however, most toxic effects are naturally reversible and do not cause permanent damage if prompt medical treatment is sought. Toxicology is the science of insecticides, which are poisons, there is none which is not a toxic and their right dose absorbed through skin, inhaled or ingested, differentiates a poison and a remedy. Toxicity is species-specific, and a central concept of toxicology is that toxic effects are dose-dependent; even water can lead to water intoxication when taken in too high a dose, whereas for even a very toxic substance such as snake venom there is a dose below which there is no detectable toxic effect. Since the basic purpose of conducting toxicity studies is to provide an accurate prediction of potential adverse effects of a chemical in non-target as well as in test species, it needs to ask whether the methodology that is used both for testing and interpreting the test results is yielding answers that protect both the environment and public health. Use insecticides safely, read and follow directions on the manufacturer’s label and do not take delaying chances if any one becomes contaminated, however, it is necessary to wash body infected immediately.
Toxicology, Exposure, Risk, Poison, Children’s Vulnerability
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