International Journal of Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering
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International Journal of Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering, Vol.1, No.2, Sep. 2015, Pub. Date: Aug. 26, 2015
Stopping Breeding of Dengue Virus Spreader Aedes Mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) with Environmental Modifications
Pages: 169-174 Views: 4155 Downloads: 1537
[01] Muhammad Sarwar, Nuclear Institute for Agriculture & Biology (NIAB), Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan.
Dengue virus spreader Aedes mosquitoes are now present globally in tropical and sub-tropical regions, and spread to more temperate areas during the summer. Mosquitoes Aedes albopictus Skuse and Aedes aegypti (Linnaeus) have adapted to breed around human dwellings and prefer to lay eggs in clean water, and since the virus can be passed from adult to egg, the dengue virus is guaranteed to survive until the next summer and heavy rains. Modern mosquito control in wetlands integrates chemical, biological and physical techniques. However, environment modifications, using breeding reduction methods, provide permanent and effective mosquito control with some apparent impacts. For the reason that of this, the present study is aimed to assess impacts of environmental modifications for mosquito control. Environment modification, or also known as physical or permanent control, is typically one part of a mosquito control. This can be as simple as properly discarding old containers which hold water capable of producing mosquitoes such as tires, which severe as A. aegypti or A. albopictus mosquitoes producing habitat can be managed by proper disposal of them. Otherwise, it can be as complex as implementing of rotational impoundment management or open marsh water management techniques which control salt marsh mosquitoes at the same time as significant habitat restoration is occurring. Source reduction is important in that its use can virtually eliminate the need for pesticide usage in and adjacent to the affected habitat. Mosquito control by environment modification efforts is a management initiative when ditching of high marshes by hand or with explosives occurs. Other environment modification concerted efforts include the filling of salt marshes and the creation of impoundments. While all of these techniques have mosquito control benefits, some environmental impacts may occur from their implementation. Environment modifications in freshwater habitats like flood plains, swamps, marshes typically involve constructing and maintaining channels or ditches, which can serve the dual functions of dewatering an area before mosquito emergence can occur and also as harborage for larvivorous fishes. Mosquito production from storm water or waste water habitats also can be a problem, but typically can be managed by keeping such areas free of weeds through an aquatic plant management program and maintaining water quality that can support larvivorous fishes. The implications of environment modifications for future studies and impact assessment for mosquito control are appropriately touted for their effectiveness and economic benefits to incorporate in an integrated vector management program.
Disease Vector, Vector Survey, Arboviruses, Public Health, Environmental Management
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