International Journal of Advanced Materials Research
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International Journal of Advanced Materials Research, Vol.1, No.2, May 2015, Pub. Date: May 18, 2015
Comparative Study of Chemical Activity of Different Ultrafine Cementitious Additions
Pages: 45-52 Views: 4389 Downloads: 1637
[01] Karima Arroudj, Built and Environment Laboratory « LBE», Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Sciences and Technology Houari Boumediene, Algiers, Algeria.
[02] Madiha Lanez, Built and Environment Laboratory « LBE», Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Sciences and Technology Houari Boumediene, Algiers, Algeria.
[03] Mohamed Nadjib Oudjit, Built and Environment Laboratory « LBE», Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Sciences and Technology Houari Boumediene, Algiers, Algeria.
[04] Arezki Tagnit-Hamou, Cementitious Materials Laboratory, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, (Québec), Canada.
The properties of concrete are governed by cement hydration. The latter can be modified through the incorporation of siliceous additions, which leads to the densification of the concrete’s matrix by its physical “filling” and chemical role “ pozzolanic reactivity”. This incorporation allows to product an ecological, economic and perform concrete. Thus, contribute to sustainable development in construction field. In order to better understand the pozzolanic effect of the siliceous additions in Portland cement pastes, x-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis of lime pastes containing three ultrafine additions (Silica fume “SF”, ground blast-furnace slag “S”, and finely ground quartz from dune sand “DS”) was carried out. This analysis is a simplified approach to that of cement pastes for which the principal reaction is the fixing of lime “Portlandite”, released during cement hydration, by additions and forming the second-generation of calcium silicate hydrates (C-S-H) denser and therefore more compact cement matrix. This research shows that the very finely ground DS, in spite of its crystalline nature, has a partial pozzolanic reactivity. Ground slag, with a lower fineness than that of DS and a low silica content, has a better pozzolanic reactivity than DS because it has an amorphous structure, which explains the importance of mineralogical structure on the pozzolanic reaction. The pozzolanic reactivity of a siliceous addition is related not only to its fineness and silica content, but also especially to its morphology.
X-Ray Diffraction, Siliceous Addition, Pozzolanic Reactivity, C-S-H, Amorphous Structure
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