International Journal of Animal Biology
Articles Information
International Journal of Animal Biology, Vol.1, No.5, Oct. 2015, Pub. Date: Jul. 29, 2015
Field Tests for Exploiting the Behavioral Control Tactics to Pest Tephritid Fruit Flies (Insecta: Diptera)
Pages: 243-248 Views: 3952 Downloads: 1915
[01] Muhammad Sarwar, Nuclear Institute for Agriculture & Biology (NIAB), Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan.
In the current article, it has been attempted to determine whether the exploiting of behavioral control tactics have a synergistic effect on fruit flies capture and management in orchards and farms. Worldwide, the planting and consumption of fruits and vegetables have been steadily increasing during the last many years. Fruit flies are the most notorious pests threatening the production of horticultural crops globally, and effective, cheap and economically feasible control options are highly encouraged for poor farmers. With the emphasis on environmental and health issues due to usage of insecticides for control of fruit flies, horticulturists are searching for ways to grow healthy crops to protect the ecosystem. Some of the non-chemical alternatives are in a category known as behavioral control of insect pests. Behavioral control covers an array of techniques that involves manipulation of some aspects of behavior of fruit flies so that their populations are reduced. Protein odor significantly can increase the number of fruit flies captured by traps, and fly captures by unbaited traps (visual cue only) or McPhail type traps baited with lure (olfactory cue only), are effective management tools to control prevalent harmful fly pests for a number of fruits and vegetables. Pheromones traps and dispensers disrupt mating behavior of target species by emitting chemically produced substances. Pheromone emitters inundate the pest area with these chemical signals, saturating the air and confusing the insects so that males can no long find females to reproduce. Furthermore, the useful ideas on colors, shapes and odors of host, visual and olfactory stimuli, mating behavior, oviposition behavior, timing of oviposition, emerging of adult, pupation of larva and diurnal activity of adult fruit fly, can be of immense value to those of us working in pest control efforts. Thus, a simple, practical and low cost behavioral approach is developed that has a significant potential for crop protection, long lasting residual activity, excellent efficacy and favorable safety profiles. This makes the present invention well-suited for pest fruit flies management in a variety of crops.
Tephritids, Trapping, Behavioral Control, Pheromones, Attractants
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