Bioscience and Bioengineering
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Bioscience and Bioengineering, Vol.4, No.1, Mar. 2018, Pub. Date: Aug. 31, 2018
Macro-Propagation of Ananas comosus (L.) Merr. (Bromeliaceae) by PIF Technique in Togo, West Africa
Pages: 23-28 Views: 1159 Downloads: 762
[01] Bawoumodom Pyabalo I Tchaou Bodjona, Culture Defense and Biosafety Laboratory, Biosafety and Biotechnology Division, Laboratories Directorate (DL), Togolese Institute of Agronomic Research (ITRA), Lome, Togo.
[02] Tekondo Banla, Moist Savanna Agronomic Research Center (CRASH), Togolese Institute of Agronomic Research (ITRA), Sotouboua, Togo.
[03] N’pagyendou Lare, Culture Defense and Biosafety Laboratory, Biosafety and Biotechnology Division, Laboratories Directorate (DL), Togolese Institute of Agronomic Research (ITRA), Lome, Togo.
[04] Pouwéréou Tchalla, Culture Defense and Biosafety Laboratory, Biosafety and Biotechnology Division, Laboratories Directorate (DL), Togolese Institute of Agronomic Research (ITRA), Lome, Togo.
[05] Sadate Agouda, Culture Defense and Biosafety Laboratory, Biosafety and Biotechnology Division, Laboratories Directorate (DL), Togolese Institute of Agronomic Research (ITRA), Lome, Togo.
[06] Koto-te-Nyiwa Ngbolua, Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences, University of Kinshasa, Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo.
[07] Robijaona Baholy, Engineering and Industrial Process, Agricultural and Food Systems, Polytechnic High School of Antananarivo, University of Antananarivo, Antananarivo, Madagascar.
Pineapple is a fruit consumed in Togo. Two varieties: Brazza and Smooth Cayenne are grown in the south of the country in the Plateaux and Maritime regions; the fruits are exported to the big cities of which Lome the capital. The finding is that crowns are rejected when there is a shortage of planting material. This study has as a general objective the contribution to the production of pineapple in Togo and more specifically; to evaluate the success rates of the treatments used to make crown PIF technique, to analyze the number of rejections produced by explant and treatment, to evaluate the percentage of survival after acclimatization of young plants without roots and young plants with roots. PIF technique has been used to propagate seedlings. After experimentation, 100% of the explants broke up and gave 1 to 5 young plants each for the T1 treatment (apical meristem destroyed without division of the explant), the two (2) treatments T2 and T3 where the explants were divided longitudinally in two (2), all the explants rotted. The survival rate of rootless weaner seedlings is 63.63% and those with roots are 90.32%. Despite the low proliferation rate, the PIF technique can be used to produce healthy planting material, but it remains to be improved.
Pineapple, Brazza, Lome, Togo, PIF
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