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American Journal of Psychology and Cognitive Science, Vol.1, No.4, Oct. 2015, Pub. Date: Nov. 5, 2015
Child Criminalization at Slum Areas in Dhaka City
Pages: 107-111 Views: 4124 Downloads: 2490
Md. Kamruzzaman, Department of Criminology and Police Science, Faculty of Life Science, Mawlana Bhashani Science and Technology University, Santosh, Tangail, Bangladesh.
Md. Abdul Hakim, Department of Food Technology and Nutritional Science, Faculty of Life Science, Mawlana Bhashani Science and Technology University, Santosh, Tangail, Bangladesh.
The study was conducted in Dhaka city, the capital of Bangladesh taking 65.7% boys and 34.3% girls using simple random sampling method. There were observed to have 77.8% daily conflicting between their parents tends themselves into various illicit deeds like (42.6%) drug abuse, (10.2%) hijacking and (32.4%) theft. Some 34.3% respondents were involved with different crime influenced by bad peer groups and 26.9% by dint of poverty coming from joint (59.3%) as well as nuclear families (40.7%). About 43.5% respondents get frustrated due to insufficient basic needs with 66.7% stopping study for poverty while 49.1% were illiterate fellows involved in criminalities keeping company with (64.8%) bad peers, (14.8%) hijackers and (10.2%) with the drug dealers and terrorists.
Child Criminalization, Slum Areas, Dhaka City
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