American Journal of Marketing Research
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American Journal of Marketing Research, Vol.4, No.1, Mar. 2018, Pub. Date: Jun. 6, 2018
Effect of Patient Orientation on Patient Satisfaction in Private Hospitals
Pages: 13-21 Views: 1454 Downloads: 508
[01] Rosalie Christiane Nga Nkouma Tsanga, Department of Marketing Trade Sale, Faculty of Economics & Management, University of Maroua, Maroua, Cameroon.
Is patient orientation influences patient satisfaction in Private Hospitals (PHs)? This research aims to answer this question and make proposals to help these health structures achieve better patient satisfaction. To this end, forty-two semi-directive interviews and two hundred and seventy questionnaires dished out to PHs' heads and patients on client orientation and sources of satisfaction. The results show that, from the supply perspective, five devices are used by PHs to check the quality of their services: suggestion boxes, image barometers, competitive intelligence, benchmarking and satisfaction surveys. From the demand perspective, the results show that five dimensions (environment, ethics, technique, result and consideration) are potential sources of satisfaction of PHs’ patients, but the patient, although treated well, is not the King that he/she wants to be due to non-respect of commitments made by heads of these PHs.
Patient, Client, Private Hospitals, Satisfaction
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