American Journal of Food Science and Health
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American Journal of Food Science and Health, Vol.2, No.5, Oct. 2016, Pub. Date: Aug. 19, 2016
Proximate and Metal Composition of Smoked Fish Samples in Umuahia, Nigeria
Pages: 102-106 Views: 4228 Downloads: 1148
[01] Jude C. Nnaji, Department of Chemistry, Michael University of Agriculture, Umudike, Nigeria.
[02] Jenifer Ngele, Department of Chemistry, Michael University of Agriculture, Umudike, Nigeria.
Proximate and heavy metal compositions of fish muscles in four smoked fish species procured from three local markets in Umuahia, Nigeria were determined. Proximate analysis was done with Food and Agriculture Organization methods while Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry was used for heavy metal (cadmium, Cd; chromium, Cr; iron, Fe; lead, Pb and nickel, Ni) analysis. Mean crude protein contents of the fish species were high (>15%) and were significantly higher (P < 0.05) in Oreochromis niloticus samples. While the mean concentrations of other metals in the fish species from the three markets were below FAO/WHO limits, mean Pb concentrations in all the smoked species from Ubani Modern market and Clarias gariepinus from Gate 6 market were either above or equal to the limit. The possibility of Pb poisoning from prolonged consumption of smoked fish is inferred.
Proximate, Metals, C. gariepinus, O. niloticus, T. trachurus, S. scombrus
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