American Journal of Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing
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American Journal of Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, Vol.4, No.2, Jun. 2018, Pub. Date: Aug. 31, 2018
Corrective Filtration in the Processing of Electrical Signals to Improve Measurement Accuracy
Pages: 23-27 Views: 1541 Downloads: 406
[01] Almaz Mehdiyeva, Control and System Engineering Department, Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, Baku, Azerbaijan.
The research is devoted to the construction of an inverse correction filter, to isolate a useful signal that has been exposed to a direct filter. The structure of the reverse filter for each direct filter is individual and calculated based on the parameters of the direct filter. So, for a high-frequency finite difference filter, the filter of a finite sum is inverse. The orders of the forward and reverse filters must be coordinated. Using the software MATLAB, we assembled the circuit of the system, and investigated the effect of the reverse filter on the output signal of the system. The synthesis of the most optimal low-frequency filter having non-integer coefficients is carried out. In a cascade with a finite-difference filter, it suppresses all components of the error in the entire frequency band of the measuring signal.
Measuring System, Measurement Experiment, Measurement Information, Digital Signal Processing, Correcting Filtration, Reverse Filter, Filtering Algorithms, Adaptive Filters
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