American Journal of Business and Society
Articles Information
American Journal of Business and Society, Vol.2, No.2, Mar. 2017, Pub. Date: Aug. 1, 2017
Fish Commercialization in the Fairs of Boa Vista, Roraima, Brazil
Pages: 36-41 Views: 1887 Downloads: 1039
[01] Paula Lorrane de Jesus Lopes, Pos Graduate Program, National Institute of Amazonian Research (INPA), Manaus - AM, Brazil.
[02] Geraldo Mendes dos Santos, Coordination of Biodiversity (COBIO), National Institute of Amazonian Research (INPA), Manaus -AM, Brazil.
This study was conducted at the fairs of Boa Vista, Roraima, with the objective of identifying the main agents and activities involved in the fish’s commercialization; determining the marketed species of fish; recording the approximate production by species; identifying ways of commercialization and verify the fish’s market price during the study period, between July 2014 and June 2015. For data collection was used direct observation and semi-structured interviews applied to 49% (18 of 37) of the fairs fishmongers. They were identified 57 fish species, being the fishing market kept mainly by farmed fish: Tambaqui –Colossoma macropomum, with 360,547 kg (57%) and matrinxã – Brycon amazonicus with 40,687 kg (6%). The Fish from fishing represented only 225,117 kg (37%) of the species, which originate mainly from Roraima (Caracaraí) and the State of Amazonas (Manaus). The usual form of presenting the fish was in natura and sold by the kilo. The price was mainly related to the fish’s type (species); the average price per kilo was between R$ 16.6 for the most valuable species and R$ 4.4 to the secondary species. It was observed that the middlemen are the central actors in the market and the fairs are an important place of local and even regional trade relations.
Fish Trade, Pisciculture, Fishery
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