Agricultural and Biological Sciences Journal
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Agricultural and Biological Sciences Journal, Vol.6, No.4, Dec. 2020, Pub. Date: Dec. 11, 2020
Macro-propagation of Dessert Bananas (Dankodu and Tsikodu) and Plantain (Savé) (Musa Spp.) by PIF Technique in Togo, West Africa
Pages: 195-201 Views: 1205 Downloads: 411
[01] Bawoumodom Pyabalo I Tchaou Bodjona, Togolese Institute for Agronomic Research (ITRA), Lomé, Togo; Faculty of Sciences (FDS), University of Lomé, Lomé, Togo.
[02] Komi Odah, Faculty of Sciences (FDS), University of Lomé, Lomé, Togo.
[03] Rassimwai Pitekelabou, Togolese Institute for Agronomic Research (ITRA), Lomé, Togo.
[04] Atalaesso Bokobana, Faculty of Sciences (FDS), University of Lomé, Lomé, Togo.
Banana is an important crop in many countries of the intertropical zone. The major problem in increasing production is the lack of healthy planting material. The classic discards often used by producers, are in small quantities and carry diseases germs. In vitro culture and other macropropagation methods such as PIF technique are being developed to produce healthy plant material for planting. In vitro culture is more expensive and slow compared to PIF technique which is cheaper and faster hence its adoption in this study. The general objective of this study is to help support the dessert banana and plantain banana sector in Togo. It is more specifically; to know the latency time (TL), to assess the rate of bud break at forty (40) days (TD); know the time necessary to wean the first shoot in each explant (TS), know the total number of young plants weaned (S) at 150 days after planting in sawdust; know the number of days between the appearance of the first shoot and the achievement of the first weaning (TS-TL); then compare the success percentages (PR) of rearing these young plants in the nursery after weaning. The varieties selected for the study are Savé (plantain), Dankodu (dessert) and Tsikodu (dessert). PIF technique was used to produce the healthy planting material. After experiment, the TL parameter is on average 2 weeks (14 days) for Savé and Tsikodu varieties and 3 weeks (21 days) for Dankodu variety. The TS parameter is 4 weeks (28 days) for Savé and Tsikodu varieties and 6 weeks (42 days) for Dankodu variety. For the TS-TL parameter, it is 2 weeks (14 days) for Savé and Tsikodu varieties and 3 weeks (21 days) for Dankodu variety. For S parameter, Plantain banana Savé is more prolific with 13 young plants per explant while it is 3 young plants per explant for Dankodu and Tsikodu varieties. For TD parameter, Savé variety has 100% while Tsikodu (66.66%), Dankodu (55%). For PR parameter, Dankodu variety is the best with 90%, Tsikodu (76.19%) and Savé (77.03%). PIF technique can be used to propagate bananas in general, but it needs to be improved for dessert bananas in particular.
Banana, Dessert, Plantain, PIF, Togo
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