Agricultural and Biological Sciences Journal
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Agricultural and Biological Sciences Journal, Vol.2, No.1, Feb. 2016, Pub. Date: Feb. 16, 2016
Bio-magnetism as a Mechanism Underlying the Processes Involved in Pollination
Pages: 10-14 Views: 2448 Downloads: 1346
[01] Abraham A. Embi, Cardiology Department, Mount Sinai Hospital University of Miami, Florida, USA.
[02] Benjamin J. Scherlag, Heart Rhythm Institute, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA.
Pollination in flower bearing plants is the process of pollen transfer from the anther (male part of the flower) to the stigma (female part). This process enables fertilization and reproduction. In this report we demonstrate electromagnetic forces (EMFs) found in flowers of 5 different plants associated with the metabolic activity of these flower organs. We used a single slide preparation (SSP) on which different parts of Angiosperms plants reproductive organs parts and nocturnal animal pollinators were studied. Several drops of a solution containing nano-sized iron particles (Fe) and a Prussian Blue Stain (PBS) for iron were placed on the specimens. After the liquid dried, microphotographs and video recording were made of the patterns of crystallization of the PBS/Fe residue. Several examples are shown of evaporation induced crystal formation in the SSPs, which correlate with the electromagnetic fields (EMFs) of both the isolated living plants and insect parts. The EMFs triggered crystallization of non-animate small magnet fragments in a SSP is also presented as corroborative evidence that EMFs induce aggregate crystallization. Our results suggest that biomagnetism emanates from selective flower parts and in the presence of iron deposits in the antenna and joints of ant pollinators during the plant’s reproductive cycle. The property of biomagnetism is hypothesized to play a signaling role in the attraction between flowers and pollinators.
Biomagnetism, Pollination, Pollination Syndrome, Pollination Signalling
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